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W drodze Details & Features

, "W drodze" to miesięcznik poświęcony życiu chrześcijańskiemu, wydawany od 1973 roku przez polskich dominikanów. Towarzyszy ludziom w poszukiwaniu Boga. Razem z Czytelnikami stawia pytania i szuka odpowiedzi. Pragnie nauczać, dawać człowiekowi oparcie w wierze, ale jednocześnie wsłuchiwać się w jego wątpliwości i dylematy.

"W drodze" is a monthly periodical devoted to Christian life, being published by Polish Dominicans since 1973. It asks questions and searches for answers on the way to find God in everyday life. It aims to teach, give support in one’s faith, but it is also open to see the doubts and dilemmas.

Kindle Magazines are fully downloaded onto your Kindle so you can read them even when you're not wirelessly connected. ...

Here are some of the great features of W drodze

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As of Thursday, January 26, 2012 8:02 PM PST ( *Pricing disclaimer : Product prices, promotion and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change without notice. Any price and availability information displayed on the original websites, as applicable at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of related products. )